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Résultats 496 à 510 sur 549 au total

Apprentissage à distance

AEC Daily: Vector Graphics in Architectural Laminated Glass


Architectural laminated glass has become an increasingly desired material for indoor and outdoor projects, and digital imagery is a popular method of incorporating design elements. This course describes how vector graphics can be used in architectural design, what vector graphics are, and how they differ from raster images. It also examines in detail how vector graphics are used in architectural laminated glass.

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AEC Daily: Vegetative & Protected Roof Membrane Assemblies: What Lies Beneath

Protected roof membrane assemblies (PRMAs), and vegetative roof assemblies (VRAs) in particular, place extreme requirements on the components below the surface, from waterproofing to insulation and everything in between. Each element must meet specific standards for energy efficiency and durability. This course reviews the benefits and design considerations of VRAs. It also describes the high-performance attributes of VRA components and defines the building code/performance standards and best specification practices for optimal fire, wind, thermal, and moisture performance. 

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AEC Daily: Ventilated Façades: Designed for Sustainability, Beauty, and Performance


Beyond aesthetics, ventilated façades and cladding systems provide added wind load absorption, moisture protection, and insulation properties, resulting in prolonged building durability and sustainability. This course examines how these systems benefit occupant well-being by mitigating exterior noise transmission, offer significant building operating energy savings from decreased HVAC demands, and increase occupant comfort by regulating interior temperatures. Mechanical and chemical adhesive attachment is also examined, focusing on the adhesive’s ability to absorb wind-induced vibration as well as expansion and contraction from temperature and humidity changes. Several case studies are also discussed.

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AEC Daily: Versatility, Functionality, & Unique Aesthetics with Perforated Metal Panels

Perforated metal panels combine functionality and aesthetics for a wide range of structures, from parking garages to schools, hospitals, office buildings, and more. This course reviews the many options for types of metal and finishes, attachment methods, and perforations, including custom designs and imaging. Application examples and case studies explore how perforated metal panels can be used as unique facades that offer ventilation, shading, safety, and concealment while creating striking aesthetics that enhance building design.

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AEC Daily: Vertical Lift Innovations


The variety of wheelchair lifts on the market can present a challenge to specifiers. Not only is there a wide range of design features, but also some lifts may not meet all ADA requirements for a given application. This course covers the features, codes, and regulatory requirements of vertical wheelchair lifts and the benefits of specifying a vertical wheelchair lift solution to both the user and the facility owner.

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AEC Daily: Vibration Isolation Solutions for Mechanical Systems


The operation of mechanical equipment generates vibration and noise, which, if left untreated, can damage the building structure and the equipment itself and be a source of discomfort for building occupants. This course examines HVAC equipment vibration and the specification of isolation solutions. It provides discussions on each of the ASHRAE isolator and base types and describes some acoustical floor treatments.

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AEC Daily: Vinyl & Aluminum Railing Systems

Railing systems perform various functions, meeting safety requirements and serving as a key component of a building’s aesthetic. This course presents a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of aluminum and structural vinyl railing systems, how they are made, and how they are used in the building industry and includes a detailed summary of how they meet various code requirements.

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AEC Daily: Vinyl: The High-Performing Choice for Healthcare


Healthcare environments require high-performance, durable, and sustainable materials to meet the ever-increasing demands for the health and safety of patients and staff. Vinyl provides a reliable and proven solution that supports infection control measures, the need for long-lasting products, and the replacement of infrastructure that supports health and wellness, clean water, reduced carbon footprint, and long product service life. Vinyl is a material of choice for interiors as well as the core and shell of healthcare buildings. Chemistry and formulations are part of successful product performance; utilizing life cycle approaches to product selection, meeting owner project requirements, and supporting criteria within green building certifications are all part of the vinyl story.

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AEC Daily: Wall Hanging Systems


From classrooms to boardrooms to living rooms, hanging display systems enhance spaces and provide design freedom. This course examines wall hanging systems with a focus on integrating systems in the overall design of a project and includes discussions on system elements, selection criteria, specialty applications, and sustainable design.

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AEC Daily: Wall Protection


Commercial building interiors see all kinds of wear and tear on a daily basis. Various forms of wall protection can combat this wear and tear to help extend the longevity of a space, maintain a clean look, and cut down on maintenance costs. This course discusses the different wall protection products available, how to identify which wall protection products fit certain applications, and which building codes apply to these products.

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AEC Daily: Water Conservation: Initiatives and Standards 1908

Water is one of our most valuable resources, yet many states suffer water shortages due to preventable problems such as overuse and leakages. This course discusses the increased need for water conservation and examines the requirements in CALGreen and the LEED® v4.1, Green Globes®, and BREEAM In-Use green building rating systems. The EPA’s WaterSense® initiative is also discussed, along with case studies explaining the benefits of concealed toilet systems and their contribution to water conservation.

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AEC Daily: Water Conservation: Initiatives and Standards 1909

Water is one of our most valuable resources, yet many states suffer water shortages due to preventable problems such as overuse and leakages. This course discusses the increased need for water conservation and examines the requirements in CALGreen and the LEED® v4.1, Green Globes®, and BREEAM In-Use green building rating systems. The EPA’s WaterSense® initiative is also discussed, along with case studies explaining the benefits of concealed toilet systems and their contribution to water conservation.

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AEC Daily: Water Savings with Every Flush: Improving Water Conservation in High Performance Buildings

Today—as climate change, population growth, and record droughts present an unprecedented strain on our water supply—conservation technology is building awareness to the importance of having the most water efficient fixtures in a home or business. This course recognizes the flush toilet as one of the biggest users of water and discusses how toilet design is pushing flush technology to develop ways for homes and commercial buildings to conserve water without sacrificing the performance of the toilet. Industry testing protocols and the water-saving capabilities of different technologies are evaluated.

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AEC Daily: What Is Fundamentally Wrong with ISO R-Value and How Do We Fix It?

Understanding the performance of building materials in real-world conditions is key to a successful building design. Recent studies have shown that the commonly reported R-values of polyisocyanurate foams at room temperature may overstate their real-world performance in cooler temperatures, potentially resulting in gaps in designed building enclosure assembly performance and quality. Through a theoretical framework and empirical data, this course shows that optimized polyisocyanurate foam insulation results in better performance, leading to improved energy savings and reduced potential for condensation. Participants are encouraged to explore innovative insulation materials, understand differences between them, and match optimal materials to specific applications while meeting modern construction codes and regulations. By matching the right insulation materials to the application, architects can contribute to energy-efficient and cost-conscious construction practices and help buildings reduce their impact on the environment.

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AEC Daily: What Is Quartz? The Solution for Commercial and Residential Surfaces

Quartz surfacing is a man-made material consisting of up to 93% natural quartz crystal. In this course, you will discover the other components behind the beauty, durability, and flexibility of this surfacing material. You will see the composition, production, and quality assurance processes that go into making the material and the resultant attributes and capabilities, as well as the installation basics of quartz surfacing materials.

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