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AEC Daily Corporation

AEC Daily is one of the largest providers of continuing education (CE) to the Construction, Architectural, Interior Design and Engineering communities. Complimentary courses are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, with automated credit reporting to numerous organizations across the United States and Canada. Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers and other Construction Professionals rely on AEC Daily to maintain their accreditation and keep them up-to-date with new products and technologies.
  • Contact: Sule Benavides | Client Services Coordinator
  • Téléphone: (877) 566-1199.
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  • Course description: AEC Daily: Synergies of Sensor-Activated and Smart, Connected Plumbing Fixtures for Today’s Commercial Buildings

    Cleanliness and sanitation are important aspects of buildings and businesses, especially in restrooms. Users want environments where they don’t have to worry about picking up germs while owners desire solutions that are safe, attractive, and cost effective. Smart, connected fixtures can leverage sensor technology to optimize user experiences while also streamlining the management of building facilities, conserving water, and providing a hygienic, touchless experience for users. 

    Summarize the benefits of utilizing touchless sensor plumbing products in restrooms and how they impact user well-being.

    Describe the advantages of utilizing touchless sensor plumbing fixtures outside of restrooms and how they improve hygiene.

    Discuss how smart, connected sensor systems create better health and economy outcomes than nonconnected sensor systems and illustrate the importance of smart, connected commercial plumbing systems.

    Envision a complete connected commercial plumbing solution.