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Displaying items 61-66 of 66 in total

In person learning sessions

CEU Events: Why Pigments Matter

Pigments serve many functions in paint other than supplying color. Characteristics such as durability, hide, gloss, and fading are influenced by the choice of pigment. This course explores how color choices affect the appearance and performance of architectural paints. We will discuss the types of pigments used in architectural paints, how paint is tinted, and how the choice of pigments and colorants influence factors such as hide, gloss, fading, durability, and price.

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CEU Events: Wood Specialty Ceilings and Walls

This course delves into the integration of wood specialty ceilings in commercial buildings, exploring pre-engineered systems and a range of finishes. Participants will assess how aesthetic choices impact overall performance, safety, and durability in various designs. Key performance attributes, including acoustics, fire resistance, plenum accessibility, seismic resilience, sustainability, and installation ease, will be examined. The course also addresses the distinctions between solid and veneer wood panels, considering their visual impact, performance characteristics, lead times, and financial considerations, providing participants with a thorough understanding of wood specialty ceiling systems for designs that excel in both form and function.

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ELASTOCHEM: Waterproofing and Spray Foam


This one hour presentation covers the lastest in polurea waterproofing and polyurethane foam technology. It covers what it is, benefits, testing, construction details, and application.

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Passive House Canada: Naviguer les paliers de conformité du CNEB pour les concepteurs : Isolation et étanchéité à l’air pour une performance énergétique optimale

19 septembre 2024 – 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM 8 heures d’enseignement 1 heure de déjeuner.

*Les dates sont sujettes à changement.

Atlantic Host, 1450 Vanier Blvd, Bathurst, NB.

Comprend le petit-déjeuner continental, le déjeuner, le café, le thé et les collations pendant la pause.

Ce cours permet de comprendre le Code national de l’énergie pour les bâtiments 2020 (CNÉB) pour le Nouveau-Brunswick et de doter les participants des connaissances et des compétences nécessaires pour améliorer la performance énergétique des bâtiments. Il est conçu pour les professionnels de l’industrie du bâtiment et de la construction qui cherchent à approfondir leur expertise en matière de conception de bâtiments éconergétiques. Le cours couvre les principes de la science du bâtiment liés au transfert de chaleur et d’air à travers l’enveloppe du bâtiment, les principes clés de la conception de l’efficacité énergétique, l’impact du pont thermique et la façon de le minimiser grâce à de meilleures techniques de conception et de construction. En outre, les participants exploreront des méthodes avancées d’isolation et d’étanchéité à l’air, ainsi que des stratégies pour optimiser l’emplacement et l’efficacité des fenêtres. À la fin du cours, les participants seront bien préparés pour concevoir des bâtiments efficaces sur le plan énergétique qui satisfont ou dépassent les exigences du CMNÉB 2020, contribuant ainsi à des pratiques de construction durables et à haute performance.

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Passive House Canada: Navigating NECB Compliance Tiers for Designers: Insulation and Airtightness for Optimal Energy Performance (AANB – Eventbrite)

October 25th, 2024 – 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, 8 hours of instruction and 1/2 hour lunch.

*Dates are subject to change

Hyatt Place Moncton / Downtown

1000 Main Street Moncton, NB E1C 1H5

This course provides an understanding of the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2020 (NECB) for New Brunswick and equips participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance building energy performance. It is designed for professionals in the building and construction industry who seek to deepen their expertise in energy-efficient building design. The course covers building science principles related to heat and air transfer through the building envelope, key energy efficiency design principles, and the impact of thermal bridging and how to minimize it through better design and construction techniques. Additionally, participants will explore advanced insulation and airtightness methods, as well as strategies for optimizing window placement and efficiency. By the end of the course, participants will be well-prepared to design energy-efficient buildings that meet or exceed NECB 2020 requirements, contributing to sustainable and high-performance building practices.

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Passive House Canada: Navigating NECB Compliance Tiers for Designers: Insulation and Airtightness for Optimal Energy Performance

October 29th, 2024 – 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, 8 hours of instruction and 1 hour lunch.

*Dates are subject to change

Wu Conference Centre at UNB (Aitken Room), 5 Duffie Drive, Fredericton, NB

Coffee, tea, breaktime snacks and a lasagna lunch will be provided.

This course provides an understanding of the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2020 (NECB) for New Brunswick and equips participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance building energy performance. It is designed for professionals in the building and construction industry who seek to deepen their expertise in energy-efficient building design. The course covers building science principles related to heat and air transfer through the building envelope, key energy efficiency design principles, and the impact of thermal bridging and how to minimize it through better design and construction techniques. Additionally, participants will explore advanced insulation and airtightness methods, as well as strategies for optimizing window placement and efficiency. By the end of the course, participants will be well-prepared to design energy-efficient buildings that meet or exceed NECB 2020 requirements, contributing to sustainable and high-performance building practices.

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