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Course description: AEC Daily: NFPA 285: What We’ve Learned, What’s Changed, and What We Thought We Knew
This course explains the NFPA 285 test method, its origin, its procedures, when it is required, and design considerations necessary for compliance. Criteria in ASHRAE 90.1 for continuous insulation and air/water-resistive barriers are reviewed and identified as contributors to the rise of NFPA 285 requirements. The course also addresses code compliance in light of recent material changes, code changes, and additional testing.
Describe the building situations where the International Building Code® (IBC®) requires NFPA 285 to protect occupants.
Explore how to design for NFPA 285 compliance to ensure life safety.
Recall the fire safety objective of NFPA 285 and its development history.
Explain how ASHRAE 90.1 continuous insulation and air/water-resistive assembly requirements have contributed to the rise of NFPA 285.