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Course description: AEC Daily: Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Interlocking Concrete Pavements
This presentation provides a review of life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA), a process increasingly conducted by road agencies for pavement projects. LCCA enables and, in some cases, justifies a pavement type that best meets an agency’s needs and budget. This presentation emphasizes the whole-life costs for interlocking concrete pavements (ICP), which combine the performance advantages of conventional concrete and asphalt with potentially lower life-cycle costs compared to other pavement materials.
Learning Objectives:
Define LCCA and its function in evaluating pavement costs over time and hence the return on investment.
Identify the variables of a life-cycle cost analysis and their role.
Explain how to utilize life-cycle costing as a primary tool to evaluate pavement performance.
Identify the differences between deterministic and probabilistic cost methodologies used in LCCA.