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Course description: AEC Daily: Architectural Acoustics for Today’s Buildings
Noise pollution is excessive environmental noise that disrupts the activity or balance of human life. As urban environments have become increasingly dense, the noise problem has magnified, negatively impacting mental and physical health. Sound is everywhere, but it can be controlled with architectural solutions. This course provides a refresher on the basic science of acoustics and how sound interacts with our surroundings. From there, the course explores various architectural solutions, the technology behind them, and how they are successfully integrated into buildings to reduce noise. Discussion of installation applications addresses sound control options for retrofits and new construction.
Summarize the science behind sound and acoustics.
Discuss how excessive noise negatively impacts mental and physical health, causing hearing loss, fatigue, and stress.
Explain how reverberation or noise can contribute to poor speech intelligibility and decreased attention span, adversely affecting a student’s learning ability.
Identify the components of specialty acoustic treatments and explain how they can decrease excessive noise, improving occupant health and well-being.
Discuss sound control installation options for retrofits and new construction.