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Course description: AEC Daily: Fire Performance Testing and Compliance for Exterior Wall Assemblies
With limited exceptions, the International Building Code® (IBC®) requires testing and compliance with NFPA 285 for exterior wall assemblies of buildings of Types I, II, III, and IV construction containing foam plastic insulation. This course examines three methods for demonstrating that an exterior wall assembly design complies with NFPA 285, including engineering analysis. The course also discusses how and where to locate NFPA 285 information for each compliance method.
Explain the differences between fire performance testing of materials and assemblies.
Identify and describe the three methods of compliance for exterior wall assemblies required to be tested and comply with NFPA 285.
Describe the elements of an engineering analysis for compliance with NFPA 285.
Discuss how and where to locate NFPA 285 compliance information for use and reference when designing exterior wall assemblies containing foam plastic insulation.