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CEU Events

CEU Events is a leading continuing education platform for companies, associations, and professionals who provide educational programs in the design, architecture and construction industries.
  • Contact: Martin Siwy - President
  • Téléphone: (213) 787-7165.
  • Courriel:
  • Site de web:
  • Course description: CEU Events: Creating Healthy Spaces where Seniors can Thrive

    The population of adults over 65 years old is growing at an unprecedented rate. By 2034, older adults are expected to outnumber children for the first time in US history. As individuals age, the body’s ability to maintain a balanced integration of the organs, muscles, bones, immune and nervous systems decline. Planning for the environments where older adults live, work, and travel presents an opportunity to promote healthy living, adapted to meet the unique physical, mental, and biological needs of an aging population. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted vulnerabilities to infectious disease for older adults and senior living communities. Older adults, especially those in senior living facilities, will continue to be vulnerable to infectious disease outbreaks, as well as familiar respiratory illnesses like influenza and pneumonia. Healthy building upgrades can have multiple benefits beyond infectious disease risk reduction, including improved comfort and cognition.

    Consider the physiologic changes and health concerns aging populations experience and how improved environments through controlled air quality, lighting, thermal comfort, and noise and acoustics can improve health outcomes.

    Understand how biological aging can impact vulnerability to infectious diseases, and how improved indoor air quality can help reduce risk of infectious disease transmission.

    Identify opportunities for healthy building investment that can support an aging population’s physical, mental, and biological needs.

    Learn the first four strategies to improve air quality in senior living spaces, and how the benefits of improved air quality extend beyond COVID-19.