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Course description: AEC Daily: Inclusive Playgrounds: Designing Spaces to Bring Children and Communities Together
Play is more than fun and games—it is an essential component in helping children develop critical physical, mental, emotional, and social skills that lay the foundation for adulthood. Inclusive play breaks down barriers and builds community through fostering understanding of our similarities and differences. This course discusses how play impacts child development and describes the options and considerations for designing an inclusive playground that benefits all children and the community.
Recall the role of play in child development.
Define an inclusive playground in comparison to one that is accessible.
Explain the importance and benefits of a universally designed, inclusive playground.
Describe an array of playground equipment and options and how each benefits child development and contributes to inclusivity.
Integrate requirements for ADA compliance into the design of an inclusive playground.
Use case studies as examples of how inclusive playgrounds can benefit communities.