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Course description: AEC Daily: Impact of Window Treatments on Commercial Daylighting Design
Daylighting is the controlled admission of natural light into a building. It takes into consideration both direct and diffuse sunlight and reduces use of electric light, thereby decreasing energy costs. By controlling daylight, solar heat gain can be minimized, lowering the demand on HVAC systems. This course evaluates a variety of daylighting strategies for commercial applications and includes discussions about the relevance of daylight factor calculations and the impact fabric characteristics have on a shading solution.
Discuss the risks and benefits of exposure to sunlight on our physical health and mental well-being.
Identify at least four daylighting design strategies and discuss why they require proper planning to ensure they optimize views, decrease the need for artificial lighting, and create healthy, productive workspaces.
Discuss the relevance of a daylight factor calculation in determining whether there is an appropriate amount of light in a workspace while also preventing discomfort from solar heat gain and glare.
Recognize how shade fabric characteristics impact aesthetics, visual comfort, lighting energy, and the thermal load of the indoor environment.
Utilize the information presented in the case studies to discuss the components of a customized shading solution for a variety of applications.