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Course description: AEC Daily: Single-Skin Metal Panels for Pressure-Equalized Rainscreen (PER) Applications
Various control strategies are used to prevent rain from penetrating a building envelope and entering a building assembly. This course compares exterior wall metal cladding systems and takes an in-depth look at the design options, testing, specifications, environmental implications, and the detailing of single-skin metal panel systems as used in a pressure-equalized rainscreen (PER) application.
Compare the performance attributes of different types of metal cladding exterior panels to determine how metal panel wall systems can protect a building’s structural components, reduce heat loss, eliminate moisture issues, and maintain indoor environmental quality.
Identify the testing methods established by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) for rainscreen systems to determine whether a wall system meets the requirements for wind loads, fire resistance, and minimizing air and water infiltration.
Discuss the basics of detailing climate-appropriate single-skin metal panel PER wall assemblies in order to improve the energy efficiency of a wall system and increase occupant comfort.
Specify a metal panel with a suitable finish for a single-skin metal panel PER wall assembly to meet a building’s projected cost, thermal control requirements, and maintenance lifecycle needs.