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Course description: AEC Daily: Implementing Tubular Daylighting in Commercial Facilities
Implementing daylight in buildings reduces artificial lighting energy, costs, and CO2 emissions and improves the welfare and performance of occupants. This course examines the benefits of daylight and explains how tubular daylighting devices (TDDs) can efficiently and effectively supply it in an energy-efficient manner, how they optimize all levels of daylight, and how they avoid issues such as glare and heat gain associated with windows and conventional skylights. Applicable credits and features in LEED® v4.1 Building Design and Construction, Interior Design and Construction, and Operations and Maintenance and the WELL Building Standard™ version 2 are noted. The course concludes with several sample commercial installations.
Recall the benefits of daylight and its role in our health and well-being when developing sustainable strategies incorporating TDDs and meeting daylighting requirements in LEED v4.1 and WELL v2.
Utilize TDDs to lower costs and optimize energy use, contributing to the overall building energy performance requirements of LEED v4.1.
Implement TDDs in any commercial application to provide comfortable, glare-free daylight that improves occupant well-being and performance as reflected in LEED and WELL requirements.
Specify the appropriate TDD zone technologies for each application to optimize light gain and help meet the ambient lighting level requirements in LEED v4.1 and WELL v2.