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AEC Daily Corporation

AEC Daily is one of the largest providers of continuing education (CE) to the Construction, Architectural, Interior Design and Engineering communities. Complimentary courses are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, with automated credit reporting to numerous organizations across the United States and Canada. Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers and other Construction Professionals rely on AEC Daily to maintain their accreditation and keep them up-to-date with new products and technologies.
  • Contact: Sule Benavides | Client Services Coordinator
  • Téléphone: (877) 566-1199.
  • Courriel:
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  • Course description: AEC Daily: Architectural Hardware & Access Control for Healthcare Environments

    Health, safety, and welfare: Three simple words, yet three complex concepts. Every healthcare-related facility has a responsibility to provide a sterile, physically safe, and secure yet nearly always accessible, managed environment just to conduct its daily operations. This course will help you discover effective, scalable access and control strategies specific to the healthcare environment and introduces the latest standards, codes, products, and technologies impacting the design and management of these always complex, life-giving facilities.

    Articulate the impact of technology in managing access and security in a healthcare setting.

    Demonstrate a working knowledge of experience-driven criteria for healthcare building access.

    Discern alternatives for maintaining a sterile patient environment and conforming to universal accessibility standards.

    Discuss guidelines, standards, and life safety codes specifically affecting a healthcare facility.