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Course description: AEC Daily: Exterior Perimeter Steel Pedestrian Security Gates
The issue of safety is a prevalent theme in today’s society, and protecting the built environment has become a priority. This course examines the material specifications, industry standards, hardware options, installations, and application considerations necessary to design and specify exterior pedestrian steel gates.
Determine the most appropriate steel infill to meet the security level needs of a given exterior perimeter steel pedestrian security gate system application.
Utilize ASTM International to identify applicable standards required to design exterior steel gate components to meet the safety and security needs of the project.
Describe the production, characteristics, and common applications of chain link, ornamental steel pickets, expanded steel, and welded steel mesh infills.
List the factors that determine the framework, specifically as they relate to life safety and ADA compliance.
Evaluate and select suitable hardware options for exterior steel gates to meet egress and ADA requirements based on their function and limitations.