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Course description: AEC Daily: The Solar-Ready Roof: Optimize the Design
With the demand for sustainable power on the rise, building owners and homeowners alike are turning to solar power as a supplemental power generator. Choosing the right platform for the solar panels is a critical step in the design process and can have a significant impact on both initial and long-term costs. This course discusses the basics of photovoltaic systems, including the components and rooftop applications. Comparisons between traditional roofing and standing seam metal roofing platforms are examined, and the benefits of a nonpenetrating clamping system are discussed.
Describe the basics of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, the components, their energy efficiency, and rooftop applications.
Summarize steps of the design process for a solar-ready roof, including the durability of the roof material selection and solar panel orientation.
Explain why a long-lasting metal roof is a perfect solar platform with the benefits of durability, recyclability, and sustainability.
Discuss how nonpenetrating mounting systems are easily installed and economical, help to mitigate wind uplift, and reduce damage to roofing material.