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Course description: AEC Daily: Bamboo: A Sustainable Choice for Building Materials
Bamboo is a versatile building material that brings warmth and character to indoor applications such as flooring, furniture, and wall and ceiling panels; an innovative process also allows bamboo to be used outdoors in decks, soffits, and siding. This course reviews the material technologies that make bamboo products with reduced environmental impacts and better performance than traditional materials and discusses their potential to meet requirements of the LEED® v4.1 Building Design and Construction and Interior Design and Construction rating systems and the WELL Building Standard™ version 2.
Discuss the structure and growing pattern of the bamboo plant that make it a rapidly renewable alternative to wood and a lower carbon alternative to plastics.
Explain the different types of bamboo material technologies and how responsible sourcing, a favorable life-cycle assessment, and a product-specific Type III EPD align with several of LEED’s Materials and Resources credits and help bamboo products reduce the impact of construction on the environment.
Describe the performance properties of fused bamboo—including its durability, strength, and fire, hurricane, rot, and termite resistance—that make it an ideal building material and may allow it to contribute toward earning the LEED v4.1 pilot credit Design for Enhanced Resilience.
Use case studies to show how fused bamboo brings the warmth and beauty of wood to projects and enhances occupant health and well-being by meeting the LEED and WELL requirements for safe, low-VOC materials and biophilic design.