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Course description: AEC Daily: Precast Concrete Stair Treads and Landings
Stairs are often a prominent feature or even the focal point of an architectural design project and play a vital role in creating an aesthetically pleasing interior atmosphere, or an exterior welcoming point to a residential, commercial, or industrial building. This course provides an overview of the many benefits of installing precast concrete stair treads and landings, how to detail and specify them, and how to address related building code, design, and construction requirements.
Define stair-related terminology, and identify the individual components and hardware used to construct a staircase.
Discuss the advantages of installing precast concrete stair treads in terms of aesthetics, durability, safety, and fire protection.
Differentiate stair tread profiles and determine the appropriate color and finish to meet the design requirements of a specific building project.
Identify applicable building codes, accessibility requirements, and safety standards relevant to the construction of a staircase and a landing.
Assess all the factors identified above and specify the appropriate stair tread to meet the design requirements of a specific building project.