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Course description: AEC Daily: Designing Sustainable Materials for Building Integration
The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act shines a light on how low-carbon building material selection is one of the keys to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the US. High-performance, sustainable products and thoughtful assemblies designed with the building life cycle in mind are critical to the future of our sustainable communities. This course provides a look at how low-carbon and sustainability considerations are activated from product to building design. Factors impacting a sustainable building life cycle are discussed to help architects and owners with building performance that meets the design intent not just on paper but also in use.
Explain what the focus on embodied carbon means in various stages of LCA from production to use in buildings.
Describe how the thermal insulation performance at different temperatures can impact operational carbon or energy use intensity.
Discuss the impact of maintenance, the reroofing process, and the roof assembly lifetime on building operations and embodied carbon.
Analyze the interconnectivity of innovation and market drivers in product formulation development and building design.