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Course description: AEC Daily: Demystifying EPDs in Sustainable Design
Now more than ever, the environmental impacts of products used in construction are a worldwide concern and one that the architecture and design (A&D) community is being asked to address in their work. Environmental product declarations (EPDs) are powerful tools when choosing materials for commercial projects. This course discusses how, where, and why to use EPDs to inform sustainable product selection and specification decisions and how EPDs are incorporated into key green building rating systems and codes, including LEED® v4.1 Building Design and Construction (BD+C) and Interior Design and Construction (ID+C), Green Globes® for New Construction (NC), and the International Green Construction Code® (IgCC®).
Identify and describe the components of a Type III EPD.
Recognize and analyze the life cycle assessment (LCA) data provided in a Type III EPD.
Discuss how EPDs are included in specific standards and rating system criteria for LEED v4.1 BD+C and ID+C, Green Globes NC, and the IgCC.
Locate Type III EPDs within various databases and resources for compliance with building project criteria, including embodied carbon reductions.