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Course description: AEC Daily: Inclusive Restroom Design in Public Bathrooms
Inclusive design is a win-win for customers and businesses. It shows the business supports the assumption that public spaces should be functional for all users no matter their age, health, or abilities. The commitment to inclusivity encompasses promoting and respecting everyone’s right to choose a washroom. This course explores the benefits of inclusive spaces and discusses the sustainable, hygienic, functional, and distinctive design and material options for inclusive public bathrooms.
Explain how inclusive restrooms can protect the safety of all users regardless of their gender identity, age, health, or mobility challenges.
Analyze a variety of materials for restroom fixtures to determine what properties and design features make them sustainable, hygienic, and functional for all.
Discuss washroom design strategies that help to mitigate common concerns regarding safety and privacy for various users.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of inclusive, single-user washrooms and inclusive, multistall washrooms to determine the right design option for a specific application.