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AEC Daily Corporation

AEC Daily is one of the largest providers of continuing education (CE) to the Construction, Architectural, Interior Design and Engineering communities. Complimentary courses are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, with automated credit reporting to numerous organizations across the United States and Canada. Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers and other Construction Professionals rely on AEC Daily to maintain their accreditation and keep them up-to-date with new products and technologies.
  • Contact: Sule Benavides | Client Services Coordinator
  • Téléphone: (877) 566-1199.
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  • Course description: AEC Daily: Separating Cool Roofing Facts From Myths

    White roofs made of PVC (vinyl) can reflect three-quarters or more of the sun’s rays and emit 70% or more of the solar radiation absorbed by the building envelope. Despite protecting and keeping buildings cool in all climates around the world for decades, misconceptions about the energy impact of cool roofs still exist. This course uses the fundamental science behind cool roofs to address alleged issues concerning the performance of cool roof products.

    Explain the concept of “cool roofing,” describe how cool roofs function, and state how they are defined and qualified in various energy and environmental codes and standards.

    Assess the potential environmental impacts of broad implementation of cool roofing strategies.

    Evaluate the energy benefits of cool roofing materials in northern climates.

    Cite case studies to show how cool roofs offer both immediate and long-term savings in building energy costs.

    Review the performance of some cool roofing materials in practice over the past decades.