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Course description: AEC Daily: FRP Entrances: The Science Behind the Door
Some building parts may see minimal human contact or weathering. Doors and entryways, however, need to be able to stand up to heavy use, frequent direct contact from building occupants, and environmental impacts. In this regard, FRP doors and frames offer robust strength, reliability, and durability. They provide project versatility and customization in colors and textures, are excellent thermal insulators, and allow for easier installation and lower costs in construction projects. This course outlines the FRP door and frame components, manufacturing methods, and types and discusses the benefits of FRP products.
Define fiber-reinforced plastic and describe its components and how they support durability in the finished product.
Describe and compare the durability, strength, fire resistance, and required maintenance levels for the main techniques of FRP molding used for door and frame construction.
Compare the performance characteristics of the six types of FRP doors described here.
Select finishes based on aesthetics, durability, and UV, dent, and graffiti resistance for durable, low-maintenance doors and frames.