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Course description: AEC Daily: Laminated Rigid PVC Exterior and Interior Panel Systems for Sustainable Design
Vinyl has long been a material of choice for construction products for interiors and exteriors because of its durability, cleanability, affordability, and suitability for a vast range of applications. This course furthers the conversation by discussing vinyl’s recyclability and sustainability and the attributes of laminated rigid PVC exterior and interior wall panels and siding and soffit products.
Summarize how PVC is made and evaluate the vinyl industry’s history and role in establishing a circular economy.
Examine how the vinyl industry is extending the use of resources through the recycling of preconsumer and postconsumer PVC to make new products.
Discuss why laminated rigid PVC panels are ideal for exterior and interior applications for residential, multifamily, and mixed-use projects because of their intrinsic physical properties and long-term performance in protecting buildings and their occupants.
Demonstrate how laminated rigid PVC panels can be used in sustainable design and how their use may help a building project earn LEED® certification.