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Course description: AEC Daily: Fire Safety for Exterior Wall Assemblies
Manufacturers, industry groups, architects, designers, and homeowners all share an expectation of safety in the buildings we occupy and use every day. This course discusses the key chapters where important exterior wall fire provisions can be found in the International Building Code® and examines many common features of global fire incidents. The course also describes the NFPA 285 fire test and discusses the new Annex B in the 2023 edition of NFPA 285. Finally, there is a discussion of the code compliance pathways when exterior walls are required by the IBC® to be tested and comply with NFPA 285.
Learning Objective
Discuss cladding fire safety requirements in the model building code, notably the 2021 IBC.
Clarify new NFPA 285 compliance pathways that will be adopted into the 2024 IBC.
Recognize several observations common to some notable cladding fire incidents around the world.
Explain the significance of fire performance testing to the fire safety of buildings.
Discuss elements of engineering analyses and their use as a practical tool for demonstrating code compliance of assemblies required to be tested per NFPA 285.