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Course description: AEC Daily: The Rooftop Environment: Designing for Safe Access and Fall Protection
Anytime a facility has people working on a roof, their safety and protection must be the priority. Even under the best conditions, working on a rooftop is dangerous due to the roof’s elevation, slope, and edge, as well as other hazards created by weather conditions, electricity, and power tools. This course reviews the hazards of the rooftop environment and the relevant Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations to aid designers, property owners, and facility managers in selecting safe access and fall protection systems for their buildings.
Learning Objective
Discuss why a roof on a commercial building is accessed and identify the hazards of a rooftop environment to which workers may be exposed.
Recognize how a safe access and fall protection audit on a facility can help to determine where the rooftop hazards are and how to address them to protect workers from falls and injury.
Discuss why rooftop injuries and falls occur and how OSHA regulations address worker safety.
Describe different types of safe access and fall protection equipment that are OSHA compliant.