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Course description: AEC Daily: The Versatility of Metal Cladding
Interest in metal cladding is continually growing because of its sustainable features: durability, long life span, recyclability, and contribution to cool roofs. Manufacturers provide a wide range of panel profiles, materials, and colors to meet the increased demand. This course examines the performance characteristics and attributes of metal roofing and cladding, different aesthetic options, and best installation practices, as well as how they contribute to more energy-efficient buildings.
Learning Objective
Describe the different types of metal cladding and their application on roofs and walls.
Discuss the characteristics of metal roofing and cladding that contribute to weather resistance and durability.
Explain how cool roof coatings can improve a building’s energy efficiency and reduce the heat island effect.
Recall how metal roofs can contribute toward earning several LEED® credits.
Specify the best practices to ensure durability, aesthetics, and weather resistance.