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Course description: AEC Daily: Rebounding Bollards: Use and Design Considerations
Bollards are a cost-effective means of protecting people and infrastructure from damage and injury. This course examines rebounding bollards and includes discussions on the various types of bollards, the benefits of using rebounding bollards in various applications, the components of bollards, and design considerations.
Learning Objective
Explain what a rebounding bollard is, and use a warehouse application example to illustrate how rebounding bollards function to decrease the damage caused by impacts, reducing injury and vehicle and structural damage.
Recall the financial, physical, and ecological advantages of specifying rebounding bollards over fixed bollards.
Outline several planning and design considerations to be taken into account in order to specify the appropriate bollard and placement for the given project, ensuring people and property are protected.
Use a case study to show how expense, cleanliness, and safety can be addressed by specifying steel-polymer column protectors instead of plastic column wraps.