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Course description: AEC Daily: Single-Skin Metal Panels and LEED® Standards and Certification
As the market continues to transform the way sustainable buildings are designed, single-skin metal roof and siding products are at the forefront of contributing to healthier built environments. This course breaks down the material inputs and sustainable attributes of single-skin metal roof and siding panels and includes an overview of how the panels can contribute toward earning several LEED® for Building Design and Construction credits in v4.1.
Learning Objectives
Describe the material properties of single-skin metal roof and siding products.
Discuss how single-skin metal roof and siding products have the potential to play a role in projects seeking LEED certification and recall the LEED v4.1 BD+C credits in the Sustainable Sites, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, and Indoor Environmental Quality categories to which single-skin metal roof and siding products may contribute to earning points.
Discuss the importance of environmental product declarations (EPDs) to sustainable material selection and their role in LEED v4 and v4.1.
Discuss the role of health product declarations (HPDs) in material ingredient reporting.