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Course description: AEC Daily: Digging into trench
Changing climate and land use patterns have necessitated a greater focus on stormwater management. The trench drain industry has developed in a rather fragmented way over the decades, with each manufacturer using their own unique reference points for dimension, load rating, and other criteria. The purpose of this course is to clear up the resulting confusion and provide best practices and a real-world understanding of the multiple variables at play on the project level.
Learning Objectives
Recognize the growing demand for and use of trench or trough systems and discuss how these elongated drainage channels enhance the built environment by diverting excess water to a more desirable (or less destructive) location.
Describe various channel types and materials and typical components.
Discuss how to select the right system based on several factors, including load rating, accessibility, slip resistance, and ADA compliance.
Explain why choosing the proper drain type, components, and materials is critical for managing stormwater runoff while meeting the functional, aesthetic, and budgetary goals of a project.