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Course description: AEC DAILY: Saunas: Combining Modern Technology with Nordic Traditions
Saunas that exude authentic Nordic minimalism and elegance promote wellness, relaxation, meditation, and socialization. There are many different types of saunas for private or public purposes, but a few unique features and finishing options set some sauna designs apart. This course explains why the sauna has a much deeper tradition than wellness and discusses the considerations for selecting a ready-made or tailor-made sauna solution.
Learning Objective
Discuss why sauna culture has been a long-running tradition all over the world for over 2,000 years and why the sauna experience continues to be a vital health ritual.
Describe the various types of saunas and discuss key design considerations that can enhance the sauna experience.
Explain how a regular sauna can positively impact our psychological and physiological well-being.
Discuss how the materials, design elements, and finishing options for a sauna provide opportunities to integrate biophilic design principles into a project.
Explain how the thermal modification process increases the durability and longevity of wood to provide a material that contributes to a sustainable sauna project while maintaining a specific aesthetic.