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Course description: AEC Daily: Residential Elevators: Safety, Comfort, and Convenience
ONGOING - FREE - 1 hour
Accommodating an aging population in multistory homes means finding ways to simplify access to all levels. As residential elevators continue to decrease in cost, they are being considered as the most effective solution to offer safety, comfort, and convenience to the homeowner. This course reviews all considerations needed for the installation of a residential elevator including preplanning, locating, power and structural requirements, and code considerations.
ONGOING - FREE - 1 hour
Summarize the history of elevators and explain how they provide accessibility and convenience in residential applications.
Recall the benefits of installing a home elevator and explain how an elevator offers equal access to all individuals within the home.
Describe how elevators are equipped with safety mechanisms to ensure the comfort and well-being of passengers.
Discuss preplanning options for how to accommodate a future elevator in the design of a home.
Recall the national standard ASME A17.1 Part 5.3 Private Residential Elevators to identify the code requirements for a successful installation, creating a safe, comfortable, and accessible environment for the user.