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Course description: AEC Daily: Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Applications and Safety
This course aims to educate learners about the chemistry of spray-applied polyurethane foam (SPF), its various applications in the construction industry, safe handling and installation, and its contribution to sustainable design. The advantages of using SPF are highlighted in terms of its benefits to energy conservation and fire safety. Its role as a high-performance air barrier that satisfies code and LEED® criteria and complies with various standards is also discussed.
Learning Objectives
Describe SPF’s chemistry and physical properties, eco-friendly blowing agents, and safe installation guidelines.
Differentiate between types of SPF and types of application and discuss VOC levels and their effect on the environment.
Evaluate code compliance and best practices for specifying SPF, as well as the value of certifications and guidelines.
Explain the use of SPF in air barrier assemblies and its contribution to fire safety and to thermal and air barrier performance in building better walls, conserving energy, and improving sustainability.
Discuss typical details necessary for achieving optimal energy conservation in specific construction types and applications.