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Course description: AEC Daily: Metal, Wood, Phenolic, and Plastic Lockers: Specifying the Right Solution for Facility Needs
Not all types of storage lockers are the same, and each facility application calls for its own specifications. There are many different requirements to consider for locker selection. This course reviews the functional and operational needs of users in health and fitness centers, schools, athletic team locker rooms, medical facilities, industrial and manufacturing sectors, and law enforcement facilities. The features and components of metal, wood, phenolic, and plastic lockers are discussed, and guidelines are presented for specifying the right locker solution for user needs.
Learning Objectives
Discuss general locker construction and terminology.
Describe and compare the attributes of metal, wood, phenolic, and plastic lockers.
Explain key features of locker accessories.
Discuss locker specification criteria for health and fitness centers, schools, athletic team locker rooms, medical facilities, industrial and manufacturing sectors, and law enforcement facilities.