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Course description: AEC Daily: Structural FRP Composites for Buildings
For many applications, well-designed glass fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) composites deliver significant value and advantages over metal, wood, or concrete materials. In corrosive environments, FRP can decrease maintenance downtime and offer cost savings. This course identifies the components of FRP composites and discusses how using FRP can provide substantial, life-cycle cost savings and a long, maintenance-free service life along with meeting FM and UL wind and fire approvals. Various case studies are also examined.
Identify the components of FRP composites including those that provide corrosion resistance.
Discuss how FRP can meet ASTM standards and FM and UL wind and fire approvals, improving occupant safety.
Recall how using FRP composites in a corrosive environment will decrease maintenance time and provide a durable exterior application.
Explain how FRP composites have a high strength-to-weight ratio offering long-term, reliable structural performance and substantial life-cycle cost savings.