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Course description: AEC Daily: Healthier & More Sustainable Hydration with Bottle-Filling Stations
Adequate water consumption is essential to human health, and many turn to bottled water for convenience or out of concerns about the public drinking water supply. But bottled water presents its own water quality issues along with environmental impacts of disposable plastic bottles. This course explores bottle-filling stations that offer safer, convenient, sustainable hydration in a wide range of applications. Also reviewed are the features, benefits, and installation options of bottle-filling stations and how they contribute to drinking water requirements in the WELL Building Standard™ (WELL™) version 2.
Discuss the importance of drinking water quality to human health and the contamination concerns addressed by government standards and WELL v2.
Describe the quality and source concerns related to bottled water and the environmental impacts of bottle production and waste.
Explain the features and benefits of bottle-filling stations and how they contribute to meeting WELL v2 requirements for drinking water availability.
Discuss how bottle-filling stations can meet code and ADA requirements and NSF water safety and filtration standards while contributing to universal design requirements in WELL v2.
Describe bottle-filling station installation options and specification guidance.