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Course description: AEC Daily: Crafting Elegance: Luxury Industrial Product Design
The concept of luxury has expanded beyond material objects to unique and meaningful luxury experiences. This course discusses the theory of experiential luxury and how those experiences might be created in kitchens and baths. Also explored is how some renowned designers partnered with a manufacturer to design and produce artisanal fixtures that deliver a luxury experience.
Describe how the trend of defining luxury as experiences instead of objects can be applied by designers in the kitchen and bath industry.
Discuss the inspiration, conceptualization, and design processes that go into crafting luxury bespoke fixtures and fittings.
Summarize the various parameters, challenges, and trends indicated in crafting bespoke luxury bathroom and kitchen fixtures and fittings and the safe and sustainable practices used in developing them.
Review relevant examples and case studies that showcase the processes from start to finish and the crafting of products that meet aesthetic, functional, and safety requirements.