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Course description: AEC Daily: Designing for Infection Prevention: Evolving Best Practices in Healthcare Design
The global pandemic swiftly transformed healthcare facility operations, necessitating rapid implementation of infection prevention and control (IP&C) measures. Now, more than four years later, this presentation examines the evolution of facility design in response to lessons learned. It explores which design strategies have proven effective, sustainable, or transformative in shaping best practices. Highlighted topics include recent advances in IP&C that influence strategic planning, operational efficiency, spatial dynamics, and architectural innovation. Additionally, presenters will address decision-making considerations beyond IP&C, such as cost efficiency, sustainability, and the patient, staff, and family experience. Looking ahead, the presentation also explores future design strategies leveraging advancements in science, technology, and policy.
Explore IP&C lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and analyze their implications for spatial utilization and architectural design.
Identify key advances in IP&C and the impact on healthcare facility design.
Discuss the role of user experience, environmental sustainability, and cost effectiveness in decision making for healthcare facility design alongside IP&C goals.
Predict future trends in healthcare facility design by evaluating advancements in science, technology, and policy with impacts on IP&C strategies.