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Course description: AEC Daily: Building Engineering for Infection Control
The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) health system is among the nation’s top comprehensive academic health sciences centers. Infection and contamination control are critical to the hospital’s infrastructure to protect not only patients but also their providers during the delivery of care. Well-designed building engineering systems play a key role in ensuring air supply and circulation, pressurization, hazardous exhaust, and plumbing systems have all been optimized for comfort, health, and safety. MUSC worked with RMF Engineering on two recent renovation projects––the Ashley River Tower bone marrow transplant outpatient clinic and the Hollings Cancer Center chemo pharmacy––that both highlight best practices in infection and contamination control for today while preparing for the potential of tomorrow.
Describe the impact of colocating inpatient and outpatient care on the associated risks for infection and contamination and the challenges with their control.
Design cascading levels of protective air pressure relationships between individual patient rooms, treatment spaces, and the greater hospital population for maximum pathogen isolation.
Engineer environments for hazardous drug preparation with air supply and circulation systems that consider health and comfort equally.
Apply lessons learned on future healthcare renovation or development projects for greater control and adaptability.