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Course description: Collaboration for Health: Optimizing Hospital Design and Construction through Infection Control
This course outlines four specific focus areas related to infection control, aimed at enhancing understanding of the importance of these considerations for construction projects. Hospitals utilize infection control teams to assist in creating safe, sanitary environments for providing healthcare to patients. It’s imperative to understand what these teams require to maintain this environment during new building projects and how the design and construction teams can collaborate with them to improve the overall design solutions, yielding spaces that are safer for both patients and staff.
Describe the importance of infection control through discussions surrounding the history of diseases and infections.
Determine how best to design spaces that meet the evolving requirements of infection control staff in terms of planning, design, and MEP considerations.
Evaluate material and finish selections to further assist infection control efforts.
Analyze key strategies to consider during multiphased construction projects, including communication with stakeholders and infection control risk assessment barriers.