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Course description: AEC Daily: Lead Lowdown: Exploring the Dangers of Lead
The issue of lead in drinking water is a significant concern that affects many communities. This course explores the harmful effects of lead consumption through drinking water. It addresses fundamental questions about lead’s common sources, how it enters our water supply, and the populations at high risk. Additionally, the course reviews water regulations and strategies for safeguarding against this widespread toxin, emphasizing approaches to reduce lead contamination through the use of filtered water delivery systems.
Discuss the history of lead, its current uses, and the reasons it is toxic to human health.
State the health impacts of lead exposure on children, adults, and expectant mothers.
Explain the sources of lead poisoning, in particular, the ingestion of contaminated drinking water from lead pipes.
Summarize the standards related to water regulations and identify the available filtration options designed to provide cleaner, safer water and reduce the reliance on disposable plastic water bottles.