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Course description: AEC Daily: Installing Fenestration in Exterior Insulated Wall
Fenestration openings are a critical component of a building envelope, especially in present-day sustainable, energy-efficient buildings. Building envelopes play an important role in controlling the movement of heat, bulk water, and water vapor. Designing fenestration openings for buildings that use continuous exterior insulation has a significant role in reducing thermal bridging and thus conserving energy. This course reviews the impact of exterior insulation on fenestration installation design. The course also explores solutions for a wide variety of wall system variations.
Identify the benefits of exterior insulation through improved energy efficiency and reduction of thermal bridging.
Explain how the successful installation of windows can help manage air and water infiltration and heat loss.
Describe the variations in exterior insulated wall assemblies in creating weather-resistive barrier systems.
Discuss the requirements of all window installation systems.
Identify and assess the options for meeting the requirements for proper window installation in exterior insulated walls.