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AEC Daily Corporation

AEC Daily is one of the largest providers of continuing education (CE) to the Construction, Architectural, Interior Design and Engineering communities. Complimentary courses are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, with automated credit reporting to numerous organizations across the United States and Canada. Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers and other Construction Professionals rely on AEC Daily to maintain their accreditation and keep them up-to-date with new products and technologies.
  • Contact: Sule Benavides | Client Services Coordinator
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  • Course description: AEC Daily: Current Approaches to Sustainable Community Planning, Part 1

    The tools, techniques, and approaches to sustainable community planning (SCP) have evolved substantially in the last few decades, turning it from an abstract notion into a most comprehensive and beneficial planning approach. Part 1 of this two-part course examines the basic principles that these tools and approaches are based on, the local and global issues that they must address to be effective, and the nature and structure of the tools themselves. The review includes numerous links to the sources of these tools. 

    Identify, integrate, and utilize the most effective SCP tools and approaches in designing a sustainable community plan.

    Leverage local context to develop the most viable, safe, and healthy communities.

    Formulate, at the earliest possible stage, the likely costs and outcomes for planning scenarios under consideration.

    Effectively integrate the input of numerous stakeholders and residents into a community planning exercise.

    Address present-day stresses as well as long-term issues in a single planning exercise.