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Course description: AEC Daily: Thermally Modified Wood: Durability, Sustainability, and Current Trends
The thermal and dual modification of wood are processes used to improve wood’s profile in terms of durability, dimensional stability, overall performance, and inherent resilience and sustainability. The resulting products can be utilized in many building applications, from decking and siding to pergolas and nonstructural beams, as well as paneling, soffits, and interior trim applications. This course explores the science behind the thermal and dual modification of wood. Examples of modified wood and case studies are also reviewed.
Discuss the manufacturing processes for thermally and dually modified wood and assess their effect on wood’s natural properties in terms of enhanced performance and durability and contribution to sustainability.
Review the advantages, multiple benefits, and examples of thermally modified wood compared to alternative wood products and their significance for local and global communities.
Describe the sourcing of sustainable hardwood alternatives from FSC®-certified and well-managed, sustainable forests and the consequent positive implications for natural forests.
Discuss the environmentally friendly profile of thermally modified wood, such as its improved ability to withstand the elements and its zero-VOC profile.