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Course description: AEC Daily: Universal Design: Applied to Bathroom and Kitchen
Universal design is not a new concept; however, it is time for a paradigm shift. Considering ADA design, universal design, and living in place, should designers now be offering universal design solutions to all clients, regardless of age or ability? This course reviews both ADA and universal design guidelines and discusses compelling reasons for recommending universal design in your kitchen and bathroom projects. Various kitchen and bathroom applications are discussed in detail.
Recall the concepts of universal design and discuss how universal design enhances consumers’ daily well-being.
Compare ADA and universal design guidelines and explain the differences.
List the seven Principles of Universal Design and discuss how to incorporate these principles into your projects.
Determine the capabilities of your clients and effectively apply universal design principles when specifying fixtures and faucets for kitchen and bathrooms.
Create positive changes in the lives of others impacting your clients’ health and well-being through the power of design.