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Course description: AEC Daily: Understanding and Implementing Universal Changing Tables in Architectural Design
This course reviews the evolution of accessible restrooms and the recent, sudden prominence of universal (or adult) changing tables. We’ll examine how new changes to both the International Building Code® and statewide legislation affect public restroom design, and the profound impact universal changing tables can have on the lives of people with disabilities and their caregivers.
Explain the increasing prominence of universal changing tables in public restrooms and the subsequent benefit to the disability community through more inclusive public spaces.
Identify how universal changing tables apply to specific credits in the LEED® v4.1 Building Design and Construction and Interior Design and Construction rating systems and the WELL Building Standard™ v2.
Explain changing codes and standards for integrating universal changing tables into accessible public restroom design and recent legislative requirements for their inclusion in new buildings.
Describe the various forms and functions of universal changing tables and how their design impacts the built environment and those utilizing these spaces.