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Course description: AEC Daily: The Solar-Plus-Storage Ecosystem
Residential solar power generates clean energy, reduces carbon footprint, protects against rising electricity rates, and protects property from outages, but it is only effective during daylight hours. Adding battery storage to a solar system—called solar plus storage—removes this limitation and moves a home closer to energy independence. In this course, we will review the components of a solar-plus-storage system, including selection considerations for residential rooftop solar and DC-coupled solar batteries. The course also reviews the extended system of monitoring and DC charging.
Recall the environmental, cost, and security benefits of residential solar.
Compare the components, cost, efficiency, application, and warranties of solar roof and solar panel systems.
Recall considerations for high-performance solar system design and layout, including consumption, offset metering, roof size, and location.
Describe battery storage options and performance characteristics.
Describe battery configurations and extended system components to ensure energy efficiency and security.