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Course description: AEC Daily: Introduction to Residential Ventilation
Meeting the ventilation requirements of ASHRAE 62.2 and maintaining an energy-efficient home mean balancing the need for fresh outdoor air and the energy needed to condition it. In this course, we examine the ventilation requirements in ASHRAE 62.2, discuss how they can be met, and look at some solutions for energy-efficient ventilating.
Recall the reasons for home ventilation.
List the ventilation fundamentals of ASHRAE 62.2-2010, ASHRAE 62.2-2013, and ASHRAE 62.2-2016.
Recall the difference between whole-building residential ventilation, intermittent whole-building ventilation, and spot ventilation.
Evaluate the differences in exhaust, supply, and balanced ventilation options to meet ASHRAE standards.
Compute the proper size of a residential ventilation system given the square footage and number of residents.
Recall some fundamental guidelines when installing ventilation systems.