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Course description: AEC Daily: Show Your Mettle: Durability, Energy Savings, and Cost Efficiency with Metal Construction
Metal is a versatile building material, boasting both historical credentials and modern aesthetics. To earn the right to rise to the top as the material of choice, however, metal must also demonstrate cost efficiency, durability, and minimal environmental impact. In this course, we will examine the value of metal roofs and walls during initial construction and through a building’s life cycle and illustrate metal’s benefits with a number of case studies.
Apply principles of building-related costs and life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) to make the best material selections for durability and cost effectiveness.
Discuss the versatility of metal as a building material and how its attributes contribute to sustainability and resilience.
Compare and contrast advantages of building materials, both during initial construction and through a building’s life cycle.
Describe the impact that metal’s disaster resistance has on building durability.