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Course description: D.A.S. Concrete Countertops Inc. - How to Specify Concrete Countertops
22 novembre 2024 - 12:00 PM - 22 novembre 2024 - 1:00 PM
DATE: NOVEMBER 22 at 12-1 PM (ATL)
As we get better at reducing the operational emissions of buildings, addressing their embodied carbon is becoming more important. So far, the focus in designing sustainable, low-carbon buildings is primarily on the building envelope and major systems. While finishes have a relatively small impact on the overall equation, they are still part of the puzzle.
This course covers the basic considerations to be aware of when specifying concrete countertops or other decorative precast elements, making it easier for architects to include concrete surfaces as a locally made, sustainable alternative to mass-produced mainstream materials.
Objective 1: Understand the basics of concrete countertops and decorative precast (colour and finish options, sealers, etc.)
Objective 2: Be familiar with the different types of concrete used for concrete countertops and decorative precast.
Objective 3: Understand how concrete countertops can be considered a sustainable material.
Objective 4: Identify the best applications for concrete surfaces and furnishings.
REGISTER BY EMAIL: info@dasconcrete.com