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Course description: AEC Daily: The Ins & Outs of Fully Automated Parking
The availability of parking and the time it takes to park a vehicle are major challenges when designing a new development. Parking garages typically require big volumes and are not efficient with land use. Automated parking can practically reduce parking space, while providing the same (sometimes more) number of parking stalls as a conventional garage. It also improves the user experience, providing a valet parking experience, just without the valet.
This course is an introduction to automated parking systems. It will educate learners about what automated parking is, how it works, the benefits, when to use an automated parking system in a project, and key design considerations.
Examine mechanical parking concepts and compare manual, semiautomated, and fully automated parking systems to determine their efficiency in improving the parking process and ability to provide a user with a pleasant, stress-free parking experience.
Explain how automated parking systems work and their main benefits to all stakeholders.
Explain why a fully automated parking structure helps to improve the air quality by reducing greenhouse gases and air pollutants, and show why it has a smaller environmental footprint by evaluating its land use, energy consumption, and adaptive reuse.
Discuss why the design and operation of an automated parking structure reduces traffic congestion and improves the personal safety of drivers and pedestrians.
Discuss the design considerations and security features of an automated parking structure and when to use such a system as the appropriate parking storage solution.